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SKU: 12997
479,00 €
GARMIN Extra Large Carry Bag and Base on vastupidav ja mahukas kott suuremate Garmin seadmete ning tarvikute turvaliseks transportimiseks ja hoiustamiseks. Sobib ideaalselt Live süsteemide ehitamiseks"GARMIN Extra Large Carry Bag and Base on vastupidav ja mahukas kott suuremate Garmin seadmete ning tarvikute turvaliseks transportimiseks ja hoiustamiseks!
SKU: 13034
209,00 €
See siin on Lowrance Eagle seeria 5", 7", 9" kajaloodidele sobiv toitejuhe. Kõigi teiste Lowrance kajaloodiseeriate (HDS, Elite, Elite Ti, Elite Ti2, Mark, Hook, Hook Reveal jne) tarbeks tuleb osta teistsugused toitejuhtmed.
SKU: 12986
30,00 €
The Simrad NSX 3007 is a 7-inch touchscreen fishfinder and GPS with Active Imaging™ 3-in-1 sonar, FishReveal™, map support, and wireless connectivity. Perfect for fishing and navigation.
SKU: 13031
1585,00 €
UUS 2025! Humminbird Xplore seeria on humminbird-i kõige uuem lipulaev!
Humminbird Xplore seeria kajaloodid on loodud pakkuma kalastajatele tipptasemel tehnoloogiat ja kasutusmugavust. Nende seadmetega leiate kalastuspaigad kiiremini, kasutades sisseehitatud LakeMaster ja CoastMaster kaarte ning saate sünkroonida kuni 10 000 kalastuskohta oma nutitelefoniga, kasutades uut teekonnapunktide haldussüsteemi. Lisaks Xplore kajaloodid ühilduvad uue LIVE tüüpi MEGA Live 2 ettevaatava anduriga, mis pakub reaalajas selget pilti paadi all toimuvast.
SKU: 13000
3395,00 €
Liitiumaku iseloomulikeks omadusteks on pliiakudega võrreldes ligi 2,5x kergem kaal, kordades suurem laadimistüklite arv (loe: mitu korda pikem eluiga) ja ühtlase toitepinge märgatavalt pikem säilimine, mis võimaldab praktilisel kasutamisel akust ligi 2x rohkem energiat kätte saada. Samas on liitiumakude laadimiseks vaja korralikumaid laadijaid (laadimisvool 14.4V) ja hoolikamat kasutusrezhiimi jälgimist. Selle 50Ah 12V aku kaal on vaid 5 kg. Ehk see sobib suurepäraselt paati kestvusakuks, toitmaks elektrilisi vööri- või päramootoreid. Sellel akul on sisseehitatud voltmeeter, millega saab aku pinget jälgida. Toimetab temperatuuridel -10 C ... +45 C. Laadida tuleb liitiumakusid alati plusstemperatuuridel.
SKU: 13006
1150,00 €
Garmin GPSMAP 1222xsv - experience an advanced all-in-1 solution with our 12-inch GPSMAP 1222xsv keyed combo. It has built-in support for Garmin CHIRP sonar, CHIRP ClearVü and CHIRP SideVü.
SKU: 12995
2939,00 €
The GPSMAP 923xsv from Garmin is a GPS plotter with a 9" WXGA touchscreen for wider viewing angles. It features an ultra-sensitive 10Hz GPS antenna and a 1kW CHIRP sounder with 2D CHIRP, ClearVü CHIRP and Sidevü CHIRP Ultra High Definition with Vivid color palette for excellent fish detection performance.
SKU: 12996
1789,00 €
UUS 2025! Humminbird Xplore seeria on humminbird-i kõige uuem lipulaev!
Humminbird Xplore seeria kajaloodid on loodud pakkuma kalastajatele tipptasemel tehnoloogiat ja kasutusmugavust. Nende seadmetega leiate kalastuspaigad kiiremini, kasutades sisseehitatud LakeMaster ja CoastMaster kaarte ning saate sünkroonida kuni 10 000 kalastuskohta oma nutitelefoniga, kasutades uut teekonnapunktide haldussüsteemi. Lisaks Xplore kajaloodid ühilduvad uue LIVE tüüpi MEGA Live 2 ettevaatava anduriga, mis pakub reaalajas selget pilti paadi all toimuvast.
SKU: 12999
2695,00 €
The Garmin Striker Plus 4 is a compact and user-friendly fishfinder designed primarily for fishing and water activities. It features a 4-inch display with bright, clear images to help locate fish and explore underwater landscapes. The Striker Plus 4 uses CHIRP (Compressed High-Intensity Radiated Pulse) technology, which provides accurate and detailed images, making it easier to identify fish.

Some features of the Striker Plus 4:

CHIRP Sonar: Improves image clarity and accuracy compared to traditional sonar technology.
ClearVu Sonar: Provides detailed and precise images of underwater structures and objects.
GPS and Waypoints: Built-in GPS allows you to save fishing spots and mark locations for easy navigation back later.
Easy-to-read Display: Various contrast and brightness settings ensure good visibility even in direct sunlight.
Waterproof Design: The Striker Plus 4 is waterproof, making it resistant to various weather conditions.
This fishfinder is an excellent choice if you are looking for a reliable and affordable device to enhance your fishing experience.
SKU: 13025
169,00 €
Juhtmetega jalapedaal, mis sobib Minn Kota uuematele (2024+) Quest-tüüpi Ulterra ja Instinct vöörimootoritele.
SKU: 12974
350,00 €
The Lowrance Recon is a reliable and precise bow motor that offers high-level maneuverability, low noise operation, and easy control. It’s an ideal choice for anglers seeking an advanced solution for boat movement, providing accuracy and dependability.
SKU: 13017
4990,00 €
Control begins with Recon – the new generation of freshwater electric steer trolling motor from Lowrance. A unique joystick remote, wireless foot pedal and display integration allow you to control your motor from anywhere onboard. While best in class GPS and thrust hold you in position, no matter the conditions. With all that taken care of, all that’s left is for you to take control of your cast and reel in the fish.
SKU: 13015
4990,00 €
GARMIN Striker Vivid 7sv is the perfect fish finder that offers precise sonar technology and a large, clear display to enhance your fishing experience. The device includes CHIRP sonar, ClearVü, and SideVü features, providing detailed views of underwater structures. The built-in GPS allows you to save routes and find the best fishing spots, while Quickdraw Contours creates custom maps in real time. Ideal for both small lakes and open water.
SKU: 13024
599,00 €
The Garmin Striker Vivid 5cv is a 5-inch fishfinder that offers vivid color palettes and uses CHIRP and ClearVü sonar technology to provide clear and detailed images of fish and underwater structures. It includes built-in GPS for saving fishing spots, is waterproof, and is suitable for various weather conditions. It's an excellent choice for anglers looking for an accurate and reliable device to enhance their fishing experience.
SKU: 13026
359,00 €