Средство для ухода за лодкой AUTOSOL BOAT RUBBING CLEANER, 500 МЛ
17,00 €
For gentle removal of surface rust, paint spray mist and stubborn dirt. Fine scratches and scrapes are almost completely removed and the surface is polished to a new shine.
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Protects the paint with high-performance nanocomponents and modern polymers. Brilliant deep shine and an extremely long-lasting sealant protect the paint from adverse weather conditions. Water just rolls off. Suitable for all paints.
Артикул: 11924
26,00 €
Autosol High Performance Marine Protection Coating seals and protects all painted and fibreglass gelcoat surfaces. It leaves behind a protective layer which reliably protects against many environmental influences as well as against new contamination. The sealant creates a hydrophobic surface that is resistant to rain and sea water. This minimizes the formation of salt and water stains. This coating reduces algae adhesion on the surface.
Артикул: 11918
47,00 €
Marine Waterline Cleaner is an effective cleaning agent for discoloured and algae covered boat surfaces at and above the waterline. It dissolves dirt and light coatings on metal, contains corrosion inhibitors.
Артикул: 11928
14,00 €
Sikaflex®-291i on mitmeotstarbeline toode, mis sobib merenduse alastele konstruktsioonidele. See sobib elastsete ja vibratsioonikindlate vuukide hermetiseerimiseks ning seda saab kasutada ka siseruumides mitmesuguste tihendamiste tarbeks. Sikaflex®-291i nakkub eriti hästi järgmiste laevanduses kasutatavate materjalidega: puit, metallid, krunditud metallid, 2-komponentsete värvidega värvitud pinnad, keraamilised pinnad ja plastid nagu GRP (küllastumata polüestervaik) jne. Sikaflex®-291i ei tohi kasutada plastide tihendamiseks, millel on kalduvus pingepragunemisele, nagu PMMA (polümetüülmetakrülaat ehk akrüülklaas), PC (polükarbonaat) jne.
Töötemperatuur: +10...+40°C
Kelmestumisaeg: u 60 minutit (+23°C/50% r.h.)
Temperatuuritaluvus: -50°C...+90°C
Töötemperatuur: +10...+40°C
Kelmestumisaeg: u 60 minutit (+23°C/50% r.h.)
Temperatuuritaluvus: -50°C...+90°C
Артикул: 12892
12,00 €